He was down -- frozen there in a trance- till darkness fell,
and suddenly...
Something Mike Tyson said in a interview? or documentary? a long time ago, when just in his early 20’s, has stuck in my head all these years. While he was watching footage of old fights from the early and mid 1900’s (in order to learn from past masters)- his interest, at one point, turned to the crowds of fight spectators in those films. With a tone of wonder, Mike said something like, “look at those people- most- if not all- are dead now...” Yeah- so- whatever- just a morbid fascination- just a realization that we're not here forever.
Though, I guess it's a good thing to realize--for if we believe contrarily that we are immortal- many of us would never get anything done- or at least not try too hard to. ("Why do today -when you have forever tomorrows?"). I realized the mortality deal early on- but I’m more dim than not- I often put the “pro” in procrastination- though I hope to have many more years to fight it [procrastination]. But maybe there is such a thing as reincarnation- maybe we keep coming back up from the ashes until we reach Nirvana/Heaven- and thus, maybe all living things are Phoenixes.
Mike Tyson is not a dumb man- however, everyone has a bright side and a dim side- his dim side often knocks him out. Mike was arrested and booked into a PHOENIX, Arizona jail this past Friday Mike in Phoenix. I'm rooting for his bright side to come out on top in all of this. Happy, Bright, peaceful New Year to Mike, and to you all!
NewYear'sResolution#1: I will try not to babel so much here in the new year--- or should #1 be, "I will not procrastinate!"?.
I guess everything's confluent.
and suddenly...
Something Mike Tyson said in a interview? or documentary? a long time ago, when just in his early 20’s, has stuck in my head all these years. While he was watching footage of old fights from the early and mid 1900’s (in order to learn from past masters)- his interest, at one point, turned to the crowds of fight spectators in those films. With a tone of wonder, Mike said something like, “look at those people- most- if not all- are dead now...” Yeah- so- whatever- just a morbid fascination- just a realization that we're not here forever.
Though, I guess it's a good thing to realize--for if we believe contrarily that we are immortal- many of us would never get anything done- or at least not try too hard to. ("Why do today -when you have forever tomorrows?"). I realized the mortality deal early on- but I’m more dim than not- I often put the “pro” in procrastination- though I hope to have many more years to fight it [procrastination]. But maybe there is such a thing as reincarnation- maybe we keep coming back up from the ashes until we reach Nirvana/Heaven- and thus, maybe all living things are Phoenixes.
Mike Tyson is not a dumb man- however, everyone has a bright side and a dim side- his dim side often knocks him out. Mike was arrested and booked into a PHOENIX, Arizona jail this past Friday Mike in Phoenix. I'm rooting for his bright side to come out on top in all of this. Happy, Bright, peaceful New Year to Mike, and to you all!
NewYear'sResolution#1: I will try not to babel so much here in the new year--- or should #1 be, "I will not procrastinate!"?.
I guess everything's confluent.