Here's a Fantasy Island Tattoo joke: What kind of M&M's are Tattoo's favorite?
I know you all heard this one before, or if not, can figure it out- so I wont bother with the punch-line. It was really funny when I was 7- last year.
Photo illustration- stress is holding me up from painting which is giving me stress which is holding me up from painting which is giving me stress which is holding me up from painting which is giving me stress which is holding me up from painting which is giving me stress which is holding me up from painting which is giving me stress which is holding me up from painting which is giving me stress which is holding me up from painting which is giving me stress which is holding me up from painting which is giving me stress which is holding me up from painting which is giving me stress which is holding me up from painting which is giving me stress... something's gotta give sometime- please let it be the case: