Invention(s): A. The Blog, B. Stream of Consciousness (or Nonsenseness), C. The Airbrush, and D. whatever else you come up with here?:
B. Some things are newer, some older... nothing's new under the sun... Well I guess that's not true- technology-wise...
What time period would you visit if you could go back or forward? I'd go back to the beginning - to see the very first invention invented- but probably would still not understand it. Some believe nothing's really invented- that everything already exists- that all is just hiding- waiting to be found.
C. Pre-historic invention of airbrush (circa 32,000 years ago?)-- technique used around world = believed to involve placing hand on cave wall, and spitting pigment out over it.
Here's a cave sketch of it- by a caveman 32,000 years later (or it's a blog sketch by a blogman). (Didn't really capture the caveman look- kinda just looks like the guy down the street I saw yesterday):

B. Some things are newer, some older... nothing's new under the sun... Well I guess that's not true- technology-wise...
What time period would you visit if you could go back or forward? I'd go back to the beginning - to see the very first invention invented- but probably would still not understand it. Some believe nothing's really invented- that everything already exists- that all is just hiding- waiting to be found.
C. Pre-historic invention of airbrush (circa 32,000 years ago?)-- technique used around world = believed to involve placing hand on cave wall, and spitting pigment out over it.
Here's a cave sketch of it- by a caveman 32,000 years later (or it's a blog sketch by a blogman). (Didn't really capture the caveman look- kinda just looks like the guy down the street I saw yesterday):
